Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Insanity/Weight Watchers

It's been awhile since I've posted.  So I stopped wieght watcher since the reason why I haven't posted.  I can say it worked while I was focused on eating healthy and getting my life in order.  I'm now 175 pounds but of course I need to lose a little bit more weight but I haven't joined again until I'm focused.  I have some things in my life that are stressing me out to the max and I need to get them out.  It almost seems impossible like I can't remove this weight from my shoulders.  So like I always do I will continue to pray about and let GOD work it out for me. 

Weight loss is important but healthy with weight loss is important as well.  I plan on not doing weight watchers right away but starting a work out plan that I can stay on.  I was thinking about insanity work out which I've done in the past and lost weight but it came with a price.  My ankles were sore for a month you have to know how to land and move using this workout program for sure.  This time I'm prepared I have the right shoes and all.  I was suppose to start on Monday but I had to take a class didn't make it home until 10 so Tuesday came and I was exhausted that didn't work out and Wednesday which is today I felt like shit.  So hopefully tomorrow I can begin my journey to getting my body in shape not just losing weight.  I need a little push here and there. 

Keep focused always believe in yourself even when others don't because if you don't believe why should anybody else.  I mean think about it why should others fight your battles if your not willing to fight your own.  Its always good to have support but make sure its the right support because there will always be people in your life that will talk down on you even when you don't see it at first.  Any obstacles getting in the way jump right over them because those will always be there. I mean if you never go through things in life then how will you learn.  Book smarts can only get you so far without common sense.

Good luck on your journey!

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