Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weight Watchers Week 3

Finally on week three and I'm still plucking at is going strong on the weight watchers diet.  I have to say when you have to keep track and your weight loss depends on your honesty and being true to making your life healthy its amazing how quick things change.  I have to say at the beginning I didn't think that I was going to make it but I'm almost done with a month and I'm going strong.  I've lost ten pounds and just put on a pair of jeans that I haven't wore in over a year.  That is a start for me I just know that there is more to come.  So I'm excited about what the next weeks and the results from those will be. 
    I could come up with excuses as to why I should stop but I also have all the reason in the world to keep going not only for my self but for my children who know a different mother when I'm much healthier.  I'm almost done with school and I was thinking you know that one show what not to wear that would be a perfect show to go on for to start over fresh once I lose all the weight that I need to get back to where I was in my life before.  I don't even buy unhealthy things anymore the kids are always looking for snacks and my snacks now are fruits and veggie's I mean I still buy them there own snacks that kids like but I don't eat them
    Pretty soon I will be touting my own horn with relief and excitement.  Now in the process of getting my weight in control I need to cut some people out of my life that are negative and kept me down in the dumps it all a work in progress.  Any person that tells you its okay to be fat and stay that size there is a problem and maybe you should reanalyze your relationship with that person.  I know that I am.  It has taken me longer than it should to finally get my life back on track.  Its time for me to take control of my life.  
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