Sunday, May 6, 2012


I can say that I still feel like crap and my back and stomach and ribs hurt I think I have gas and a lot of it.  I drank a beer again and plus I had a salad for dinner which was satisfying I didn't eat a hamburger or fries.  I have to work tomorrow and I think I'm going to go ahead take a lunch and breakfast in to work that way I don't go to the cafeteria and buy unnecessary food items I really don't want.  I think it would be a good idea to make a doctors appointment to find out what my problem is.  There was absolutely no exercise done at all today which I feel bad about but maybe tomorrow I will go to the gym I can't make a promise but I will try see the daycare closes at I think seven I get off work at 4:30 and then I have to pick my son up at 5:00 from the church then I have to go home cook for my mother's friends mother so she can have dinner tonight so that will all be done hopefully no later than six.  By that time the kids will need to eat get prepared for bed take showers oh yeah I didn't mention anything about picking my daughter up as well. 
Hopefully tonight I will sleep well.  I have an early morning tomorrow since I have to work.  I'm determined to lose all the weight I need to feel healthy hopefully the focus I had to day will stay with me for more days and I will add to that focus.  Patience is essential to my main goal..

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