Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So, enough about weight loss I just can't do it right now.  I will say this though when God is ready for me to lose this weight it will drop off just as fast as I picked it up.  I've been looking for a career change.  I've always lover writing and thinking maybe that is what I should have went to school for.  I can't think of one reason why I didn't.  Well, its to late now I don't think I want to take out any more loans out for school.  Life has been good I must say.  I've recently tried to try our being a freelance writer do something I enjoy for once in my life.  I paid all this money to get a career in criminal justice and they only jobs I seem to see are police officer jobs.  I don't want to be putting my life on the line for people all the time or dealing with drunks and just terrible people.  I must say that I would have maybe liked to be and private investigator you know the ones that have all this handy equipment use to spy on people. 
I would be the one you would go to if you wanted to know if you husband or wife was cheating.  Or dig up dirt on a business or ex friend of yours.  I think that would be very exciting and who wouldn't love that job.  I can sit here and think of all the different disguise.  Enough about that back to my writing dreams.  I'm not exactly sure how this world works I'm very new to this unsure of what type of bids to put in or what exactly to put in a proposal.  I will figure it out but I am taking advice if anyone has any. 
Being able to obtain experience I think will be key but there are so many people that are already out here.  I must say their profile are great I can't say that I'm an expert in anything but a little research and I may be able to teach your subject better than you can.  I'm confident in myself and determined to make it happen in my life.  I know I have what it takes.
Its time to get dinner ready the kids will be ready to eat soon.  I will try my best to get back on later tonight so you can stay update on what's going on.  My goal is to have at least two post a day that is the least like I said.  Enjoy your day and God bless and for those that don't believe Peace be with you.


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