Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Weight Watchers Journey

So, it is official I've joined weight watchers and I'm on day three and ready to give up already.  I guess its not that bad I just have to change the way I eat and make better choices.  Its hard to balance my time lately since after work I have to pick up the kids and then get home to make dinner.  I always end up taking to much time to cook because I end up making separate meals one for the kids and one for myself.  Most people would just have the entire family eat it but my kids are very picky eaters and I don't want them going to bed hungry.  Hopefully this weekend I can plan out a week ahead that way I can better work my time.
    I need to work on my exercise thing to I was doing insanity everyday for about two weeks and I lost a few pounds but didn't have the right shoes and my ankles suffered because of it.  So I figure if I start off slowly this time with better shoes I should have better and longer results. 
   I'm the type of person that likes to see results immediately but I know that won't happen.  For dinner tonight I had smother pork chop I smothered it with onions, green peppers and tomatoes and it was goooooood.  I couldn't believe and I have broccoli which is always good to me no matter what.  I've also grown to live diet soda over the last few days too since its a waste of points to use them on regular soda.  The lady that works next to me is on weight watchers as well and she seems to be doing great but she is well planned compared to me.
    I can say that my son helps me stay focus when I just want to have a candy bar because they are eating them but I can't say the same for my four year old daughter she doesn't mind giving me the junk.  Good luck to all those that are out here trying to make a life change and be the best person they can be not only for themselves but for those that love them.  Any feed back or pointers on my weight loss journey I'm open to it.
Signed ME 

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