Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weight Watchers day four

So on to my followers today was a very tough day my co-worker bought brownies for her birthday today and they were so good but I only had one and a half but it was 9 points.  On top of that I had two breakfast burritos from Mcdonald's which didn't help at all because each burrito was 8 points so far before lunch even came I ate 25 of my points up.  so that only leaves me with 6 points for dinner so who thinks I ate for dinner?  Well I had a bag of popcorn and I couldn't even eat that all and I ate strawberries and drank a lot of water.  I didn't feel the need to use any extra points today because I didn't workout today. 
    Tomorrow I will plan better but I still haven't figure out what I'm to eat for breakfast and lunch.   I buy things to take with me for work the kids eat it up before I get to it.  I can't get upset when the kids are eating healthy right.   Well at least I get to drink Mt. Dew well diet mountain dew but its not that bad.  This is a real struggle and I don't think I'm going to meet my goal.  Five pounds seems so far away.  I'm struggling I wish I had someone to give me encouragement along the way.  I think this weekend I'll be able to sit down and plan since I think this is my main problem I'm unorganized what can I say.  Tomorrow is Friday and hopefully I can take some time out to go work out or at least take a walk with the kids somewhere. 
    Staying focused on my goals is key to my success but I am going to admit its been hard I'm so use to snacking on any and everything whenever I feel like it and not being able to is hard.  This also means no beer this weekend but if I do it will have to be a miller 64.  lol.  I'm extra tired and can't seem to get my energy up I've been really tired everyday after work it seems like I never get a break.  But life is still good I'm here so I should be greatful.  This is all a new experience for me and hopefully by the end I will be living a healthy life.
Signing off ME

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