Friday, September 21, 2012

Weight Watchers day 5

I'm at work sitting at my desk eating a wheat smoked chicken wrap from the cafeteria and I must say its very good.  I didn't think I would like it but I gave it a try and boy am I pleased.  They have some special sauce on it and it has nuts in it and it is worth every bit.  I think the wrap is having a party in my mouth.  I really wanted to get the homemade chips but instead I choice to get fresh fruit, although I didn't eat the blueberries I just can't eat them without them being in a muffin.  
   Breakfast was okay I had a homemade parfait which was just enough to hold me over till lunch.  I wasn't even extremely hungry this time.  I guess slowing down and taking my time to eat my food helps with it maybe lasting longer and not having the need to eat it just because its there.  I will have to say that today so far is a good day.  I still have 15 points left for the day and I have my dinner time meal already planned.  maybe I can have a glass of wine tonight or even a beer.  I'm not so sluggish today either.  I have to admit I did eat one bar of a Twix but it wasn't really worth it I just have this candy left over from work still sitting in my purse but today I'm giving the rest to my kids when I get home.
    I'm sure I'll have enough energy for my homework tonight I've been reading all day and I think making better food choices gives me better energy throughout the day.  Its a struggle but I keep putting one foot forward I have to keep moving up I'm not looking back anymore.  Its time for a change.
Signed ME

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