Friday, September 21, 2012

Weight Watchers day five follow up

I'll keep it short and simple I had boiled gizzards today since I could fry them and baked fries which wasn't that bad.  I'm full or rather satisfied and had no need to eat any other junk tonight.  Although I did eat some more fruit tonight my favorite strawberries.  My daughter is sick and she never gets sick so tomorrow chicken noodle soup homemade.  I have to nurse my baby back to good health.  We'll all eat healthy tomorrow. I'm not certain I will be able to work out tomorrow maybe I'll do one of the Insanity work outs.  I'm sure I won't be able to complete the entire video but a good 20 minutes of one of those workouts and I'll be good to go.   I guess tomorrow I will also start taking vitamins I guess this is good as well while dieting.  Short and simple have a blessed night and be safe.
Signed ME

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