Sunday, May 6, 2012

Food for today

Well today I woke up late and missed church service but I'll try to make it to Bible study on Wednesday.  For breakfast I had a yogurt a piece of wheat toast with apple butter spread and two eggs oh yeah and two sausage links the brown and serve kind.  It was good and I've been snacking on peanuts which are highly additive I must add.  For lunch I still feel full but that is probably from the apple pie I ate and half of pepsi I drank.  What am I think that's where I go wrong I always add in a unhealthy snack that I know isn't good for me.  I feel bloated and my stomach has been hurting for two days. 
Anybody out there have a pilonidal  cyst well if you don't good for you because it is painful.  It hurts like hell until it bust or you go in and have it drained only thing with going in is that they have to stick needles right there in the spot and it hurts like hell.  Then you ass check feels like a million pounds and having a fat ass already that could be a lot of extra weight.  LOL.  I talk about myself sometimes because I know over time I will finally commit myself to what needs to be done.  I always do it just takes me some time to finally get there.  Today the children are going to have hamburgers but I'm going to try my best not to have one.  I think a salad would do just fine something light not to heavy. 
I have a ton of homework due to day so that will take up lots of my time and the kids will do the rest.  I have to want this weight to go away more than anything God has helped me before and God will do the same here but this time I will give him all the credit he deserves unlike last time.  Well I have to put my daughter to sleep she is overdue on her nap time and she tends to start to act a little crazy when she doesn't get her beauty sleep.  So until later\.

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