Monday, September 24, 2012

Weight Watchers day 8

Hello, I thought today would be easy but I just didn't have an appetite I was too tired I went to sleep early last night and woke up around 1:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.  Work was difficult because I had training today and could hardly stay awake.  my food today at work consist of coffee to stay awake and a yogurt plus some cheese crackers.  I tried to drink a V8 Juice but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. 
   Since I got home late today I didn't get a chance to cook dinner because I was busy cleaning up.  My kids had leftover steak fajitas and when I did finally get a chance to sit down and eat there was nothing to eat. So I ate Andouille sausage sandwich it was okay and I was full but it wasn't the greatest meal.  No exercise except cleaning the house.  I had to give my daughter a bath get her clothes and things ready for school tomorrow.  I just feel like I don't have enough time in the day.  I think this weekend I will get all her stuff ready for the week as well as my items. My son usually does a good job getting his own things together. 
   I will say that I don't overeat anymore and I've been staying away from all the junk food I try not to buy it anymore just a few things for the kids like fruit snacks but the real fruit kind and cookies but healthy cookies.  Well only time will tell I can't wait to get back to my old self I feel so focused on the prize which is me down a few dress sizes so I can have more energy and feel healthy.  I guess its time for me to get ready to go to bed because I'm tired as you now what.  Good luck on your journey to freedom is what I'll call it.
Signed ME

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