Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Insanity/Weight Watchers

It's been awhile since I've posted.  So I stopped wieght watcher since the reason why I haven't posted.  I can say it worked while I was focused on eating healthy and getting my life in order.  I'm now 175 pounds but of course I need to lose a little bit more weight but I haven't joined again until I'm focused.  I have some things in my life that are stressing me out to the max and I need to get them out.  It almost seems impossible like I can't remove this weight from my shoulders.  So like I always do I will continue to pray about and let GOD work it out for me. 

Weight loss is important but healthy with weight loss is important as well.  I plan on not doing weight watchers right away but starting a work out plan that I can stay on.  I was thinking about insanity work out which I've done in the past and lost weight but it came with a price.  My ankles were sore for a month you have to know how to land and move using this workout program for sure.  This time I'm prepared I have the right shoes and all.  I was suppose to start on Monday but I had to take a class didn't make it home until 10 so Tuesday came and I was exhausted that didn't work out and Wednesday which is today I felt like shit.  So hopefully tomorrow I can begin my journey to getting my body in shape not just losing weight.  I need a little push here and there. 

Keep focused always believe in yourself even when others don't because if you don't believe why should anybody else.  I mean think about it why should others fight your battles if your not willing to fight your own.  Its always good to have support but make sure its the right support because there will always be people in your life that will talk down on you even when you don't see it at first.  Any obstacles getting in the way jump right over them because those will always be there. I mean if you never go through things in life then how will you learn.  Book smarts can only get you so far without common sense.

Good luck on your journey!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weight Watchers Week 3

Finally on week three and I'm still plucking at is going strong on the weight watchers diet.  I have to say when you have to keep track and your weight loss depends on your honesty and being true to making your life healthy its amazing how quick things change.  I have to say at the beginning I didn't think that I was going to make it but I'm almost done with a month and I'm going strong.  I've lost ten pounds and just put on a pair of jeans that I haven't wore in over a year.  That is a start for me I just know that there is more to come.  So I'm excited about what the next weeks and the results from those will be. 
    I could come up with excuses as to why I should stop but I also have all the reason in the world to keep going not only for my self but for my children who know a different mother when I'm much healthier.  I'm almost done with school and I was thinking you know that one show what not to wear that would be a perfect show to go on for to start over fresh once I lose all the weight that I need to get back to where I was in my life before.  I don't even buy unhealthy things anymore the kids are always looking for snacks and my snacks now are fruits and veggie's I mean I still buy them there own snacks that kids like but I don't eat them
    Pretty soon I will be touting my own horn with relief and excitement.  Now in the process of getting my weight in control I need to cut some people out of my life that are negative and kept me down in the dumps it all a work in progress.  Any person that tells you its okay to be fat and stay that size there is a problem and maybe you should reanalyze your relationship with that person.  I know that I am.  It has taken me longer than it should to finally get my life back on track.  Its time for me to take control of my life.  
Sign ME

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weight watchers day 9

Well not much to say today I had a great lunch it was a salad that was worth every bite.  Dinner was done when I got home since I put the pot roast in the slow cooker before I left for work.  Hopefully tomorrow I will have enough time in the morning to go work out at the gym for at least 30 minutes.  I feel good so I have no complaints here.  I do know one thing that my mind has been consumed by food all I think about is food how I should prepare it? What I should cook?  Should I go to the store tonight or tomorrow?  Should I make my own recipe or use one of the ones off the site?  I tend to over do things a bit of an extremist sometimes.  I'm looking to grow as a person and on my journey I must continue. 
    Good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bit. 
Signed ME

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weight Watchers day 8

Hello, I thought today would be easy but I just didn't have an appetite I was too tired I went to sleep early last night and woke up around 1:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.  Work was difficult because I had training today and could hardly stay awake.  my food today at work consist of coffee to stay awake and a yogurt plus some cheese crackers.  I tried to drink a V8 Juice but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. 
   Since I got home late today I didn't get a chance to cook dinner because I was busy cleaning up.  My kids had leftover steak fajitas and when I did finally get a chance to sit down and eat there was nothing to eat. So I ate Andouille sausage sandwich it was okay and I was full but it wasn't the greatest meal.  No exercise except cleaning the house.  I had to give my daughter a bath get her clothes and things ready for school tomorrow.  I just feel like I don't have enough time in the day.  I think this weekend I will get all her stuff ready for the week as well as my items. My son usually does a good job getting his own things together. 
   I will say that I don't overeat anymore and I've been staying away from all the junk food I try not to buy it anymore just a few things for the kids like fruit snacks but the real fruit kind and cookies but healthy cookies.  Well only time will tell I can't wait to get back to my old self I feel so focused on the prize which is me down a few dress sizes so I can have more energy and feel healthy.  I guess its time for me to get ready to go to bed because I'm tired as you now what.  Good luck on your journey to freedom is what I'll call it.
Signed ME

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weight Watchers Day Seven

Today I got on the scale and yes I went from 210lbs to 206.8lbs So I've only lost 3.2lbs but that is a start and I'll take it any day.  I made steak fajitas for dinner tonight and the kids love them.  I can say so my self they are good. Its crazy because this is the first meal I've had all day only because I've been so busy.  I went washing to day they I had to go collect soil for my science class experiment.
   I'm tired today but ready for next week to start if I keep going at this rate things can only get better.  I think this will last me for the rest of the night because I'm full..  I thought I was going to get some exercise in today but things aren't looking good I'm extra tired right now.  I can blame that on staying up till 3 in the morning to catch up on some late homework.  And then waking up at 8am I'm a little upset that I missed church today. 
    Well, I think I should take a quick 20 minute nap so I can re-energize. 
Signed ME

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weight Watchers day six

Today was a better day I was able to organize I did some fall cleaning if there is such a thing.  Really my focus was on the kitchen I got rid of all the clutter throughout all the bad stuff and refilled with all the good stuff.  It was hard but I had to do it.  Plus I did some much needed cleaning in the kitchen it took me a few hours but I was on business today.  So, with that being said I didn't have breakfast until 2:00 today which was late I was so focused on cleaning and I didn't even get hungry I filled up on fluids and ate some fruits here and there.  Dinner I have Turkey spaghetti which I love I wanted more than what I had but honestly I didn't need it because I was felling satisfied.  I must add I love diet MT. Dew now since its equals no points I'm no sure about diet coke and pepsi not so good.  So no real exercise but I was able to take the kids out for a late walk today.  I feel great I even got a ton of homework done today.  I would love to have some dots the green and yellow ones. 
   Staying focused is getting easier as time goes on. I will say that I'm excited and nervous all at the same time because tomorrow I get to weigh in.  I'll be happy to have lost two pounds.  Well I have to get back to my homework because I have a few papers to write and discussion to post.  So everyone have a blessed day.
Sign ME

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weight Watchers day five follow up

I'll keep it short and simple I had boiled gizzards today since I could fry them and baked fries which wasn't that bad.  I'm full or rather satisfied and had no need to eat any other junk tonight.  Although I did eat some more fruit tonight my favorite strawberries.  My daughter is sick and she never gets sick so tomorrow chicken noodle soup homemade.  I have to nurse my baby back to good health.  We'll all eat healthy tomorrow. I'm not certain I will be able to work out tomorrow maybe I'll do one of the Insanity work outs.  I'm sure I won't be able to complete the entire video but a good 20 minutes of one of those workouts and I'll be good to go.   I guess tomorrow I will also start taking vitamins I guess this is good as well while dieting.  Short and simple have a blessed night and be safe.
Signed ME